
A: 1 - 23 Draper St, Ocean Grove.

E: [email protected]

Ph: 03 5255 1340

Learning – Curriculum


Social & Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning underpins everything we do at OGPS. It assists our students to combine their skills, attitudes and behaviours to effectively deal with day to day challenges and tasks. 

Our SEL Wheel is the framework our staff use when planning and considering our students’ wellbeing and needs. We all understand the importance of children learning these ‘life skills’ and they are what drive our school moto of ‘Learning for Living’. 

Our SEL Wheel starts with the school vision and works inward to what we consider to be the fundamental competencies our children require to become independent life-long learners. Growing to be our Best is our program we use at the start of the year to set kids up for success. Six other key competencies in this circle include Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM), Respect, Growth Mindset and Resilience. The next ring has the OGPS Seven Cs. The final coloured sections are CASEL’s five competencies (

There are many other programs, activities and projects that focus on Social Emotional Learning. To start with, we worked with The Resilience Project and Geelong Grammar to provide the foundations for SEL. Since, we have developed Peer Connect, where our students meet weekly in cross-age groups with their regular teacher for extra adult connection and mentoring. Every year, we have many incursions with a focus on SEL, including Be You, Brainstorm Theatre and Cyber Safety. We have a strong transition program including Buddies, where our new Foundations students and paired up with a Year Six buddy. 

Social Emotional Learning is the focus that drives everything we do at Ocean Grove Primary School.

Ocean Grove Primary School Acknowledges the Wadawurrung People as the Traditional Owners of the Land, Waterways and Skies. We pay our respects to their Elders, past, present and emerging. We Acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are part of our community today.