The Student Excellence Program allows teachers to deliver a range of initiatives which support and extend our high-ability students.These programs are aimed at students working more than 12 months ahead of their expected level in maths and english. There are a number of programs and initiatives that Ocean Grove Primary students are participating in.
These programs include:
VCES – Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series.
A series of online workshops where students work together to solve a problem. Workshops are about an hour and a half where students complete hands-on activities run by an online presenter.
G.A.T.Eways – Gifted and Talented Education Programs
These are in school workshops run by external presenters and occur once or twice a year at OGPS. G.A.T.E.WAYS engages presenters who are expert in a given field or fields; passionate about their field and able to convey this enthusiasm to children; excellent communicators who love children; knowledgeable about the special needs of gifted children and how they learn; creative, flexible and skilled in terms of curriculum development and delivery. Their programs are inquiry based, with hands-on activities, problem solving and higher order thinking skills.
Maths Olympiad
This program is aimed at high achieving year 5 and 6 students. It is specifically designed to stimulate and challenge students at primary school level. It teaches major problem solving strategies and strengthens students’ mathematical intuition prior to starting high school.
VHAP – Victorian High Abilities Program
The Victorian High-Ability program has provided up to 48,000 high-ability students in Years 5 to 8 at government schools the opportunity to participate in 10-week online enrichment programs, in English and mathematics. The department selects students for this program based on their reports and NAPLAN scores.
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