Ocean Grove Primary School recognises the importance of being a sustainable school for the benefit of the planet’s environmental health. Our vision is to Integrate sustainable practices and consciousness into life to reduce the environmental footprint, now and for future generations.
Ocean Grove Primary School is currently working through the process of becoming a Resource Smart School. The ResourceSmart Schools program provides practical support to schools to reduce resource use, make cost savings, integrate sustainability into the curriculum and share learnings beyond the school gate. Since 2008, more than 1,400 schools have participated in the program. The program focuses on four key areas- Biodiversity, Energy, Waste, Water and Curriculum.
Environment Leaders and Sustainability Team
Ocean Grove Primary School has three Environment School leaders which have a passion and drive for Sustainability. We also have representatives from Year 4 and 5 that support the leaders with organising sustainable activities around the school.
Nude Food at OGPS
Nude Food is food without excess packaging. It is food that comes to pre-school without disposable packagings such as extra plastic bags, paper bags, wrappings or cling wraps.
At OGPS encourage students to pack snacks and lunches in durable, reusable containers. They are a great way to bring food and keep it fresh, promote healthy eating, and provide long-term cost savings and environmental benefits with reduced packing and waste.
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